Lindsay’s Lyme Disease Success Story

Lindsay used the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS) to FULLY RECOVER from Lyme Disease and other Chronic Health Issues, including Brain Inflammation, Severe Limbic System Dysfunction, PTSD, Anxiety Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) and other chronic health conditions. 

Watch Her Story Here!

Lindsay’s Story of Transformation

“I went into DNRS solely to heal physically but I have come out of this program physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally stronger than I have ever been in my life. I feel like a different person.”


Lindsay’s Journey Before DNRS

Lindsay experienced multiple Lyme Disease infections that caused several neurological impairments such as tremors, seizures, memory loss and more. She was also diagnosed with Brain Inflammation, Severe Limbic System Dysfunction, PTSD, Anxiety Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) and other chronic health conditions. 

It soon became difficult for Lindsay to function in normal life. She was experiencing seizures almost daily and struggled with even simple tasks like talking. Feeling completely exhausted, Lyndsay could not participate in the things in life she once loved. Eventually, her husband became her main caretaker. 

Discovering DNRS

Lindsay was referred to the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS) by her doctors at the Amen Clinic; a referral she now says “changed her life.” After dedicating herself to the program for a year, Lindsay experienced an incredible transformation. 

“I went into DNRS solely to heal physically but I have come out of this program physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally stronger than I have ever been in my life. I feel like a different person.”

A orange butterfly flies through the air towards a bush of purple flowers.

Life After DNRS

Today, Lindsay is not only healthier, she is living a less fearful, more joyful life! She has energy again, a newfound joy and is even eating foods she never thought she would be able to enjoy again. Life looks completely different for Lindsay than it did just a year ago.

In addition to the program, Lindsay participated in LIVING DNRS Classes and found the support of other brain retainers who could relate to her journey invaluable to her healing process. Share-a-Laugh Classes were also an integral part of Lindsay’s journey, helping her elevate her emotional state and find inner peace as she worked through the program daily. 

Lindsay’s story highlights how the DNRS program offered a way to heal from the chronic health conditions that had taken over her life. Through training, community support, and commitment, she was able to reclaim her life, overcome her persistent health challenges, and experience an incredible transformation that has changed the way she views herself, and the world. 

“DNRS — thank you so much! I am so thankful for you.”

To learn more about the Dynamic Neural Retraining System, click here.


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