The symptoms of chronic Lyme disease can vary widely, often mimicking other conditions. Some of the main symptoms you may encounter include persistent fatigue, brain fog, and memory issues. Many patients also experience muscle and joint pain, headaches, and sensitivity to light, sound, and even food or chemicals. Mood disorders, like anxiety and depression, are also common, as are sleep disturbances.
The limbic system, a part of the brain involved in emotions and survival responses, can be overstimulated due to chronic Lyme disease, which can result in central sensitization and heightened stress responses. Patients often describe these symptoms as a “dense blanket of exhaustion” that can take days to recover from after minimal exertion. The Dynamic Neural Retraining System™ offers a drug-free, natural treatment approach that teaches you to retrain your brain, helping you move from the fight, flight, or freeze response you’ve been stuck in due to limbic system impairment and maladaptive stress responses from chronic Lyme disease. This shift can alleviate neurological symptoms, enabling the body’s healing process to take place.