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DNRS 2.0 Printed Material Package
Includes: Printed manual, printed transcription book and a free copy of Wired For Healing. A printed, bound, word-for-word transcript of the video segments containing the scientific foundation, basic instruction, and guided practice of the DNRS program, plus a printed student manual. (An interactive version of the student manual is included in your online instructional video program). Available in English only.
Or purchase printed materials individually

DNRS 2.0 Student Manual
Optional printed copy of the student manual (an interactive version of this manual is part of your DNRS online instructional video program). Available in English only.

DNRS 2.0 Transcription Book
Optional, word-for-word printed, bound transcript of the video segments containing the foundation, instruction, and practice of the DNRS program. Available in English only.

"Wired For Healing"
Annie Hopper’s book, “Wired for Healing,” relates the science and creation of the DNRS program, and details Hopper’s own inspiring, successful recovery. Available in English only.
The content in this website is for informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical diagnosis, treatment or advice. Please consult a physician or other health care provider prior to using any information or resources contained on or through this website.