Chronic Lyme Disease

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What is Chronic Lyme Disease?

Chronic Lyme disease, also known as post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS), is a long-term condition that can persist for months or even years following the initial infection of Lyme disease. The illness is characterized by lingering symptoms like chronic fatigue, joint pain, and neurological impairments. Despite completing the standard antibiotic treatment course, some patients continue to experience these symptoms due to persistent inflammation or autoimmune responses triggered by the initial infection. 

The ongoing battle between the immune system and remnants of the Lyme-causing bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi, can result in a range of debilitating symptoms. Research indicates that the infection may cause long-term damage to the nervous system, affecting cognitive function, mood stability, and overall energy levels. If you’re one of the roughly 500,000 people diagnosed with Lyme disease every year, understanding your condition is essential for its proper management.

Chronic Lyme Disease Symptoms

The symptoms of chronic Lyme disease can vary widely, often mimicking other conditions. Some of the main symptoms you may encounter include persistent fatigue, brain fog, and memory issues. Many patients also experience muscle and joint pain, headaches, and sensitivity to light, sound, and even food or chemicals. Mood disorders, like anxiety and depression, are also common, as are sleep disturbances. 

The limbic system, a part of the brain involved in emotions and survival responses, can be overstimulated due to chronic Lyme disease, which can result in central sensitization and heightened stress responses. Patients often describe these symptoms as a “dense blanket of exhaustion” that can take days to recover from after minimal exertion. The Dynamic Neural Retraining System™ offers a drug-free, natural treatment approach that teaches you to retrain your brain, helping you move from the fight, flight, or freeze response you’ve been stuck in due to limbic system impairment and maladaptive stress responses from chronic Lyme disease. This shift can alleviate neurological symptoms, enabling the body’s healing process to take place.

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The Five Signs of Neurological Lyme Disease

The five signs that point to neurological Lyme disease are fatigue, brain fog, mood disturbances, headaches, and heightened sensitivities. Fatigue is a major signal, leaving patients feeling drained even after extended periods of sleep. Brain fog impairs cognitive function, making it difficult to concentrate or recall information. Mood disturbances, including anxiety, depression, and sleep issues, are common due to the neurological impact of Lyme disease. Headaches are prevalent, often described as migraines or pressure headaches that can be incapacitating. Lastly, heightened sensitivities to light, sound, food, chemicals, and electricity often emerge, leading to sensory overload. The DNRS program addresses these symptoms by leveraging neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to reorganize itself and create healthier neural pathways. With consistent brain retraining, you can reduce the neurological symptoms related to Lyme disease and restore your overall health.

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Chronic Lyme Disease Treatment with DNRS™

The DNRS program offers a revolutionary approach to treating chronic Lyme disease by focusing on reversing central sensitization by rewiring the neural pathways in the brain. The program leverages neuroplasticity to create new neural pathways that shift the brain and body from a state of chronic stress and survival into one of growth and repair. As a result, it helps to resolve the persistent symptoms linked to chronic Lyme disease. With regular, methodical practice, you’ll start to retrain your brain, creating healthier “default settings” that break the neurological cycle of illness. 

This allows your nervous system to calm down and enables the body’s innate healing mechanisms to function effectively. Thousands have seen significant improvements in their symptoms after using this affordable, drug-free treatment. The DNRS program offers hope for those struggling with Lyme disease by providing a brain-based solution that is both effective and empowering.

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Yes, the DNRS program can address neurological symptoms by retraining your brain to move out of the fight, flight, or freeze state.

While results vary, many patients notice improvements within a few weeks to months of consistent daily practice.

DNRS can complement traditional treatments by targeting the neurological effects of the disease, offering a holistic approach to recovery.

DNRS can be effective regardless of how long you’ve experienced symptoms, as it focuses on rewiring the brain to promote healing.

Yes, DNRS is a safe, drug-free, non-invasive approach that can be used alongside other medical treatments.

DNRS offers personalized support through individualized and group coaching, as well as  peer support through its global community, providing guidance, encouragement, and companionship throughout the recovery process.

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My life is just overflowing with joy. What used to be impossible is now the norm for my entire life. And I believe that it is possible for anyone out there suffering from Limbic System Impairment.

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I don’t say this lightly, but DNRS saved my life. I went from being in survival 24/7 to, honestly, an attitude of thriving.

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What I have gained from doing the DNRS program, beyond healing – I healed all of my diseases and symptoms that I had – but beyond that, I gained a sense of beautiful wonder and gratitude and a sense of possibility about life that I never had before.

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I am completely healed! I am no longer sick in Post-Covid. If you have Limbic System Impairment, I strongly recommend you try DNRS.

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I am now fully recovered from a disease that even specialist doctors did not know how to cure. I am stronger, happier and healthier now than I have ever been. I feel like I have gotten a second chance to live and I am incredibly grateful for that.

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