Posted on February 10, 2020

Discovering a New Way of Being

Lisa has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Food Sensitivities, Environmental Allergies, and Lyme Disease.

Lisa remembers first experiencing symptoms associated with limbic system impairment as a young child. “I had digestive symptoms and food intolerances as a young child. As a young adult, I began to experience exertional limitations and blacking out during exercise. I could no longer run, play volleyball, play hockey, or hike mountains. In 2010, I started a night shift position at work, and 3 months later, I hit rock bottom. Unable to work and barely able to perform normal functions for survival, I had to leave my job. My cardiologist told me, ‘Your system just can’t handle night shift’.” Not long after leaving her job, however, life resumed normally for Lisa until she moved into a water-damaged home in 2015. “I started to experience a familiar downward spiral, along with some strange, mystery symptoms. At the time, I didn’t know I had a perfect storm brewing and my limbic system was being pushed over the edge, and I pushed myself to keep trying to live a normal life. In September 2016, I crumpled, and this time I didn’t recover. I spent the next two and a half years trying to find answers and struggling to meet basic needs for survival, suffering debilitating fatigue and brain fog.” This search for answers included visiting numerous doctors and specialists, and undergoing comprehensive conventional testing. “When my conventional doctors were unable to find answers, I turned to various alternative modalities including physical therapy, chiropractic work, kinesiology, foot reflexology, acupuncture, neurofeedback, and energy and bodywork healing. I saw four different naturopaths and underwent extensive and expensive testing. We started to uncover some layers of illness, including adrenal insufficiency, hormone imbalance, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS), and Lyme Disease, and treated with various supplements, medications, intravenous (IV) therapies, and detoxification protocols. Some of these treatments perked me up and offered symptomatic relief, however, they did not address the root cause of dysfunction in my body, and my life continued to be very limited.”

Lisa found out about the DNRS program through her naturopath who specialized in Lyme Disease and CIRS. She recalls, “At first, I didn’t know if I had the will and strength to commit myself to the program. I was struggling to find a living environment that I didn’t react to. Each time I moved environments, I would perk up a bit, then within a few months start reacting to that environment as well. It started to feel impossible to find a safe place to live. Then one day it struck me right to the core – I was running from my own brain and it was following me wherever I went. This wasn’t the environments, it was my brain stuck in a pattern, and this is what they were talking about in all the DNRS testimonial videos. Right then I was committed to the program. I committed myself to whatever it took, because I knew it was the way out, and I knew deep down, in a powerful way, that it would be worth the effort.”

Lisa has since been implementing the DNRS program for 8 months, and shared her most recent milestones on our Community Forum.

I’m feeling back in the swing of life! I do a lot of things in one day and feel amazing and effortlessly calm through it all! It feels so normal now to just feel normal and do normal things, and I feel ambitious and productive without running on adrenaline. All of this feels amazing, yet also dim in comparison to the new inner glow of deep contentment and calm! I feel grounded in a way I can’t explain. I live in the present moment instead of in my head and I’m content to just be. Every day I savor this new reality and admire the simple, yet radiant beauty of these fresh blooms. 

I’m discovering a new way to be, and I am savoring the experience of just living life!! (Something that evaded me the last 3+years) 😀

Best wishes to everyone in the New Year!

What is Lisa’s message for those who are still suffering? “There are hundreds of people on the DNRS Community Forum right now who know darkness and suffering, who are finding their way out of the darkness using the tools of the program. In some way, I intuitively knew that my symptoms and allergies did not define me. This program held the answer that made so much sense to me – all my symptoms were manifestations of a limbic injury. All of them. Having a limbic system impairment does not mean ‘it’s all in your head’ or ‘your symptoms aren’t real.’ It’s an actual, physical injury that happens in the subconscious part of the brain, and then results in dysfunction that affects any or all systems of the body, including the immune and detoxification systems. If you are someone who feels like you have tried everything and you barely have the courage to try one more thing, know that this program really is the miracle so many of us were looking for, and we are recovering and reclaiming our lives!

This program did so much more than I expected it to. Not only has it been the answer for my chemical and mold sensitivities, allowed my body to fight off Lyme, and restored my energy, it has also been a complete reboot physically, mentally, and emotionally. Looking back, I can see that I was stuck in a fight-or-flight mode for many years. Now, not only do I have my life back, I have a whole new way of experiencing life. It’s like going from surviving to absolutely thriving. Every day I feel grateful for this beautiful gift!”

Lisa: “This was a photo I took while on a brisk walk”

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