Share-A-Laugh classes helped me elevate my mood and stay motivated and gave me specific exercises that supported me in rewiring some challenging ITs, like anxiety and PTSD. I loved laughter yoga so much I got certified as a leader and enjoyed laughing with friends every day. I have a bachelor’s degree in fine arts (Art History and Sculpture) and a master’s degree in counselling. I was a mental health counsellor focusing on somatic and play therapies, so being a Share-A-Laugh instructor will allow me to bring together my passions, and my clinical and creative sides — while also supporting others on their healing journeys.
I have fully recovered from CIRS, chronic Lyme, chronic fatigue & pain, and a whole host of limbic related symptoms (l had over 75 different symptoms).
As I came to understand the science behind DNRS, everything made so much sense that I told myself “The sky is the limit. Which means, there is no limit.” And I’ve since proven that to myself. Life now is a joyful adventure. I can travel, play, create, and explore without restrictions. I can achieve my dreams and have even discovered new ones! I love embracing all my senses, hiking, taking beach walks, stand-up paddle boarding, spending time in nature, making art, learning, and spending time with friends, family, and my sweet kitties. I get to savour the sweetness of life!