I’d been on my healing journey for a decade before discovering DNRS. I’d seen many doctors, tried many protocols and my hope for recovery was dwindling. Then I found DNRS and took a leap of faith. Whenever I felt some niggling limbic resistance, a little voice would remind me, “these tools can’t work if you don’t use them.” Glinda’s words from The Wizard of Oz became my mantra: “You had the power all along.” This is a message I want to share with all my clients.
As a life-long learner, with a background in health education and communications, I appreciate the superb training DNRS provides its coaches. Combining this knowledge with my personal “retraining” experience, I strive to create a caring, compassionate coaching environment that helps clients reclaim their quality of life. As your coach, I will deeply listen, answer your questions, be your curious observer, and cheer you on your way back to health.
In addition to my role as a Certified DNRS Coach, I am passionate about animals, the environment and living an active lifestyle. My husband and I enjoy daily walks with our dogs, practicing yoga and hiking in the Canadian Rockies or the Santa Rosa mountains.