Can DNRS work for me?
It is very common to have questions about whether the DNRS program can work for you. You may have found your way to DNRS through online research, a recommendation from your medical practitioner, or someone else who has successfully regained their health through the DNRS program. If you have experienced various forms of physical, psychological or emotional stress or trauma and find yourself suffering in an ongoing cycle of illness, you may have limbic system impairment and rewiring your brain may be the missing link to your recovery.
Some of the most common conditions associated with Limbic System Impairment include:
Click on conditions below to see success stories.
“For me it was so important, and it made such a difference when I was able to absolutely tell myself that everything I was experiencing was part of this limbic system impairment. The more I was able to commit to that truth, the more the symptoms faded away.”
Riley recovered from symptoms related to Lyme Disease, Food & Chemical Sensitivities, Pain & Inflammation, Severe Anxiety, OCD, Mobility Limitations, Chronic Fatigue, Temperature Dysregulation, Post-exertion Malaise, Digestive Issues, Insomnia, PTSD
“I was so used to saying: It’s the Lyme that’s creating this for me, or it’s the microbials on my food or the cell phone towers or someone’s perfume. I had to reframe [my symptoms] and I had to say, really what’s causing all of this, the root of this, is my brain just isn’t functioning correctly. When my brain comes back on line much of the symptomatology will dissipate.”
Michelle recovered from symptoms related to Electric Hypersensitivity Syndrome, Mold Sensitivities, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities & Food Sensitivities.
“I was so used to looking at the environment as the cause of my symptoms. With the recovery process it became more and more natural for me to come back to: this is a limbic system impairment; this is a maladaptive stress response. I would go back to that whenever my mind would go back to the reasons and start analyzing.”
Pam recovered from symptoms related toFibromyalgia, Vestibular Disorders, Migraines, PTSD, CIRS & Mold Sensitivities.
The content in this website is for informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical diagnosis, treatment or advice. Please consult a physician or other health care provider prior to using any information or resources contained on or through this website.