Celebrating Breakthroughs

Noelle has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Pain, Food Sensitivities, Anxiety, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, ​Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, Environmental Allergies, and more.

Noelle began experiencing symptoms associated with limbic system impairment 11 years ago. The symptoms originally began after an international business trip in 2008, but significantly worsened after a medication reaction in 2015. Noelle had been to several doctors and specialists, both in state and out of state, trying to find an answer to her list of symptoms. “I have seen my primary care doctor, a Neurologist, a Cardiologist, an Electrophysiologist, a Gastroenterologist, a Rheumatologist, a Clinical Geneticist, an Ophthalmologist, multiple integrative medicine Doctors, and I spent a week at an outpatient facility seeing a specialist for Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome.”

Noelle found out about DNRS after her one of her doctors recommended the program. She has been implementing the program for the last 6 months, and has seen exciting improvements. She described her progress to date on our Community Forum:

I am celebrating my 6 months of DNRS today!!  I started the DVD program on November 4th and attended the Austin Seminar in March. Attending the seminar in person was only possible through the early DNRS work on my own! I’ve had so many beautiful breakthroughs, and here are some favorites:

– I flew on a plane with 3 days notice and rocked it.

– I’ve 80% healed Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and 99% healed Idiopathic Peripheral Neuropathy and IBS.  I’ve also gone from having 4-5 headaches a week to less than one a month.

– I now happily am able to have the windows open during Spring, work in the dirt and pet animals, including our new puppy, with zero symptoms.

– I wash my hair with real shampoo and conditioner whenever I want.

– I have started exercising! I’m walking up to 20 minutes so far.

– I now do all of my retraining steps standing up, all of the time, an hour + a day.

– My mood feels positive 90% of the time, and when I do feel out of sorts, I have all the tools to easily elevate it.

– I’m back to my full time job of homeschooling my children, and we’ve added lots of new activities out of the house now that I am able to easily commit to events.

– I shop at Target without noticing anything, just like a normal person.

– I have hosted a party and happily attend parties!

– My appetite is normal and I eat 3 meals a day!

– I’ve had my first virus with a fever in 11 years (a good sign that my immune response is actually working again).

– I spend time outside in the sun and heat of Texas.

– I crave wearing bright and happy colors.

– I’m making new friends.

– I have more than doubled the number of foods I’m eating!!

– I use lip balm and lotion from the store.

– I cared for myself and one of my daughters on my own for the weekend while my husband was out of town with my other daughter!

– I turned down an appointment for an expert after 7 months on her waiting list.

– I leave the house multiple times a day, stay out all day, or run many errands in a day without thinking about it and feel great afterwards.

– I find myself doing things that would have caused me great concern as recently as a month ago, and now I’m not even thinking about them!

This is the most beautiful healing journey and I am so grateful to heal alongside each of you!!!

To someone who is still suffering, Noelle’s message is, “Healing is possible and never, ever, ever give up!”

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