Why over 1000 doctors refer their patients to the DNRS program
Physician Recommendations
We have observed great to astonishing full recovery from severe long Covid (PACS) autonomic dysfunction (POTS), chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS) and hyper-reactivity to food,…
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Dr. Margaret Christensen
The brain is not immune to the damaging effects of toxic mold. I recommend that anyone with CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome / Mold Illness)…
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Dr. Neil Nathan
I have referred many (hundreds) of my most chemically sensitive patients and those who suffer from complex chronic illnesses to the DNRS program with results…
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Martin Hart, DC, NASM-CES
For many of my patients, DNRS has been the step needed to complete their healing cycle. All of my patients [who implemented the DNRS program]…
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Dr. Marie Matheson
“I have recommended the DNRS program to over 300 patients with incredible treatment success. It is very clear that doctors need to recognize and treat…
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Nicola McFadzean Ducharme, N.D.
“I work with chronically ill patients... and it is clear to me how crucial resetting the limbic system is for true healing to occur. I…
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Dr. William Weirs
"I've referred well over 100 of my chemically sensitive patients to the Dynamic Neural Retraining System and the results have been fantastic. Healing the limbic…
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Dr. Mielke
“I have referred several patients to DNRS... I heard Annie Hopper speak at the TIFM conference in Seattle in February and was very impressed with…
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Wally Taylor MD
"As a medical doctor, I have found that most of my patients are staying stuck in an autonomic setting of threat and stress as a…
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Dr. Raj Patel
“As a physician specializing in treating patients with chronic Lyme Disease, Mold Illness and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome... DNRS is a powerful tool that has…
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Patrick Hanaway, MD
"I have referred many patients with [extreme sensitivities] when there is willingness to engage and ‘work the program.’ Some patients are able to do the…
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