Amy’s Journey of Healing with DNRS

Amy used the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS) to fully recover from Brain Fog, Anxiety, Chronic Pain, Lyme Disease, Epstein–Barr Virus, Food Sensitivities, Insomnia, and other chronic health conditions.

Amy’s Story of HEALING!

“What I have gained from doing the DNRS program, beyond healing – I healed all of my diseases and symptoms that I had – but beyond that, I gained a sense of beautiful wonder and gratitude and a sense of possibility about life that I never had before.”

Amy’s Journey Before DNRS

Before finding DNRS, Amy felt like her life was stuck in an endless loop of illness, anxiety and hopelessness. 

“On my worst days before I discovered DNRS, the thing that was most difficult for me was the pain. Sometimes, the pain in my gut was so severe it was difficult for me to talk. I felt brain fog. I felt exhausted, I was anxious, I had rashes. The food intolerances were becoming more and more of a problem.”

Amy’s symptoms were so bad that she eventually had to give up her practice as a lawyer so she could use what little energy she had to take care of her three small children. As her symptoms worsened, so did her anxiety, and she constantly worried about her health and food. Amy’s life was consumed with hopelessness and negativity, and she doubted if she would ever be well again. 

Amy’s Physician Recommends DNRS

Amy was referred to DNRS by Chris Kresser, the head of the California Centre for Functional Medicine at the time. 

When I went on the [DNRS] website, and I learned that the limbic system in our brains can become damaged through diseases, emotional problems, trauma or from viruses, I was amazed. When I read about how we could learn to rewire our brains and create new neural pathways that would heal disease, I honestly felt like it was the missing cog in the wheel of my health.”

Amy described the changes she has noticed since implementing the DNRS program: Physically, I have no pain; my hair grew in thicker. I sleep soundly. I have no food restrictions. I eat what I want. Emotionally, I went from a baseline of negativity to a sense of positivity. Where I felt limitations, now I feel positive. Psychologically, I feel balanced, grounded and stable. Not only do I not suffer from anxiety anymore, I really look forward to doing some of the things that used to make me anxious. I can do things now that I could not do before!”

A woman stands on top of a woman overlooking a large body of water at sunset. Her arms are outstretched as she enjoys the view.

The Healing Support of the DNRS Community

Amy found the support she received from the DNRS community invaluable as she retrained her brain. In particular, she took advantage of the individual coaching sessions with a Certified DNRS Coach to fast-track her healing. 

I worked with a wonderful coach who was knowledgeable, patient, and who met me where I was. She was always positive and encouraging, and I looked forward to my sessions with her, which I did every three weeks.”

Amy also participated in LIVING DNRS Sessions and found the support of others on the same healing journey as essential to her healing, describing each session as “constant inspiration.”

I took several classes, and I felt like a part of the community of people who showed up for themselves and each other, with such a deep sense of caring, compassion, and love. I learned so much about how to make my practice richer while I was going through the DNRS program from others.” 

Personal Goals Unlocked After DNRS

Since joining DNRS, one of Amy’s biggest achievements was defeating her anxiety and joining a competitive rowing team. 

“I sleep well enough to get up early enough in the morning to go row with these groups of people, and we go out for coffee in the mornings after. I enjoy immensely doing the exercise and socializing with groups of people. Something I absolutely could not do before.”

Life After DNRS

Today, Amy has fully recovered from the chronic health issues that took over her life for countless years. She has a new zest for life and adventure and is filled with a sense of immense gratitude for Annie Hopper and the DNRS program for helping her reclaim her life. 

“I have a sense of vitality I did not have before. Everyday things that used to make me feel overwhelmed now feel easy and even enjoyable—just normal things like shopping for food, making a meal, cleaning up, and doing laundry. I love to hike, I love to bike, I love to swim.”

Amy’s inspirational story showcases the powerful potential of the DNRS program to help heal those suffering from chronic health conditions. By immersing herself in the DNRS program and taking advantage of numerous DNRS Support Services, she was able to fully heal from her persistent health challenges. She experienced an incredible transformation that has undoubtedly changed her entire life. 

To learn more about DNRS and if it might be right for your condition, click here.

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