Success Stories

Wendy: Dynamic Neural Retraining System Success Story

Wendy discovered the DNRS program during a desperate search for answers about their health issues, particularly Mast Cell Activation Disorder (MCAS) and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity.…
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From Surviving to Thriving: Angel’s Leap of Faith with DNRS to Tackle Long-Covid

In our ever-evolving world of medical research and holistic healing, there's a breath of hope for those grappling with long-lasting effects of COVID-19. Today, we…
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From Bed-Bound to the Dance Floor: Paul’s Reflections on His DNRS Recovery Journey

Paul had found no real solutions to his myriad of health issues despite an endless string of doctors and over 40 diagnoses and symptoms.  In…
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Jenny’s First 5 Months of DNRS: Victories Big & Small

Jenny is a medical doctor who has struggled with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Dysautonomia, and Sensory Sensitivities since 2018. She had to move back in with…
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“Go Little Bird, You’re Free!” Samantha’s Recovery Diary: Part 2

In part 1 of Samantha’s recovery diary, she shared what her recovery goals are and how far she had come after two months of training…
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“Indescribably Life Altering!” Samantha’s Recovery Diary: Part 1

Samantha had been living in a camper on her boyfriend’s driveway for two years. She could no longer enter the house, wear most kinds of…
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Dr. Louise’s Leap of Faith: Recovering From POTS & Long-Covid With DNRS

Dr. Louise Evans is a general practitioner from the UK. She is recovering from POTS (Postural tachycardia syndrome), brain fog, chronic fatigue, post exertional malaise,…
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A Defining Zip Line Experience: Tena’s Recovery Story

“Considering one of my first challenges was walking for five minutes near my house, the zip-lining adventure in Costa Rica was a significant accomplishment and…
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Doctor Liz’s Recovery Changed Her World

Dr. Liz's Healing Experience in Her Own Words I had many health issues for over ten years which were treated in isolation with no clear…
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Jenna: 20 Doctors Later, the Answer was DNRS!

Jenna used the Dynamic Neural Retraining System™ (DNRS) to recover from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (Mold Illness), Chronic Pain, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,…
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Euphoric Joy and Gratitude

Esther has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Chronic Post Covid-19 Symptoms. Esther was healthy and thriving prior to contracting Covid-19…
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Susannah: Wasting away with long covid until “DNRS saved my life”
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